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Ladies, check his address and CGPA before checking your heart!
January 6, 2025 | by Yoda
Disclaimer: The following is solely the testimony of the alleged victim. Exposed Truth Organization is reporting this account as part of our mission to bring stories to light. This report does not constitute a verdict or judgment regarding the accused. We firmly uphold the principle of the presumption of innocence and invite the accused to share their testimony if they wish, allowing them to present their side of the story. Exposed Truth Organization assumes no liability for the claims made in this report.
Spoiler alert: I was wrong.
- CGPA claims: In Spring, 2023 (his 7th semester at NSU), he bragged about a 3.82 CGPA and completing 70/80 credits, whereas in reality, he was on his second probation and had barely completed 12/15 credits. (He studied at IUB for three years, then changed his department and was admitted to NSU in Spring, 2021)
- Gulshan er Basha: He even lied about the place he lived in and told everyone (after his divorce) “আমাদের তো গুলশানে ফ্ল্যাট আছে, আমি ওই ফ্ল্যাটে থাকি।” OMG, the lengths he went to keep up his fake ‘Gulshan er basha’ story! Staying in South Badda isn’t an issue but his obsession with pretending to be a rich kid was ridiculous. When we started dating, he realized that eventually he’d have to take me to his place and suddenly came up with this story about selling their flat and moving to South Badda. I might’ve believed it if I hadn’t already seen his non-existent Gulshan flat on video calls, with the same yellow walls and identical setup.
- Chronic dishonesty: Whenever he had a conversation with me or anyone else, he lied about almost EVERY SINGLE THING. He WAS and IS a complete SHOW-OFF.
Apart from all these lies and obvious cheating tendencies (that I was too dumb to overlook), the person he continuously portrayed in front of me was really nice. He possessed almost all the qualities (or at least pretended to, for some time) of being a good partner except for being faithful and honest.
By the time I figured all these out, it was too late, and I was irrevocably in love with him. But was I okay with all these lies and his personality traits? DEFINITELY NOT. If there’s one thing I hate the most, it’s lying. But I became the ultimate idiot and blockhead in love, thinking to myself, ওকে আমি ভালবাসা দিয়ে ঠিক করে ফেলবো!
I started treating him like a kid, helped him with his studies, took care of him, and tried to be there for him in every possible way. He was also the happiest when he was with me. He asked me how much time I’d be able to give him since I was about to apply for my postgraduate degree abroad. I replied that the maximum amount of time I could wait for him was 2 years, and within this timeframe, he needed to complete his undergrad studies (which was doable if he worked hard). I wasn’t in a position to tell my family about my relationship, though they knew him as my friend. At that time, I was doing my internship and held back everything about studying abroad. He was fully aware of my decisions because I was doing all these things for him.
All the while, this guy had some QUESTIONABLE EQUATONS WITH HIS EX-WIFE that I’m pretty sure no sane person would be able to make sense of. In November, we had a huge fight because of his ex-wife. From the time we started dating, his ex-wife continuously disturbed me through texts and calls, harassed me online, tried to raise her hands (read ‘show her standards’) on me in front of my campus, and finally reached out to my family to talk about my relationship. I also found out that she was calling my then-partner asking for sex, and he was talking to her the whole time. Despite his promises otherwise, he stayed in touch with her and I started seeing his true colors. At that point, for the FIRST time, I wanted to check his phone. (He ALWAYS had access to my phone and would go through everything from time to time. Even though I didn’t like it, I never stopped him because I thought, if this gives my partner any sort of peace, then let him be) I wanted to trust my partner for who he was. He had almost no complaints against me. But when I got my hands on his phone for about 15-20 minutes, his activities shattered me to the core. Man, oh man! I still don’t know what I did to deserve all that other than loving him?!
- He was in a messenger group where nudes of ordinary girls were being shared.
- Had regular communication with his exes and NEVER told me about it.
- Used to show me off to other girls and simultaneously told them he had NOTHING with me. He was talking to/dating/idk what with other people, even though he clearly told our common group of people that he was only with me.
- There were hardly any conversations with any girl. Not that he didn’t talk to them, but he deleted every single chat. (His cheating tendencies were quite visible but you wouldn’t be able to point fingers at him because he continuously deleted, hid, or removed inappropriate stuff)
- Bro is a Pro Snapchatter (iykyk). His snapchat chats were set to ‘delete after viewing’ exclusively for girls. Replying to every girl’s snap or story was his favorite activity of the day.
- He maintained very good relationships with his juniors (read ‘girls’). He belongs to the debate fraternity and conducts sessions/workshops regularly, where he gets to meet school/college-going girls. I would find every student of his added with him on all social media apps. He referred to a few of them as his ‘friends’ and called them Babe/Boo regularly. Keep in mind that this guy is in his early 30s (don’t be baffled, he lies about his age too) and his students are at least 10-12 years younger than him.
Another troubling part is that he starts flirting with his students as soon as he feels they might reciprocate, show even a little interest, or won’t object. (I’ve tried talking to him about it, explaining how wrong and harmful it is on so many levels. But he is sooo ethically degraded; he only cares about what he wants like every other narcissist).
- Coming to my house and talking to my parents about our relationship.
- Threatening me to make our private photos public.
- Destroying my life in every way possible.
He became aggressive, even violent, yet told everyone he was doing all these because he couldn’t live without me. He asked if I had someone else in mind or planned to go for an arranged marriage. I told him no because I don’t play with people’s emotions, time and energy. Unlike him, I didn’t keep backups. From the moment I started loving him, I only thought of him.
He BEGGED FOR ANOTHER CHANCE, promising to make everything right within six months. He just requested me to be with him and act normally. (Karon ami na thakle bro kichhui thikmoto korte pare na). I complied with him for the last time and continued doing everything like any other couple. (I know, I’m an idiot, but this idiot would go to any extent for love and that’s what gave me solace, knowing that I did everything out of love) But after three months (in June), I discovered more absolutely non-negotiable stuff. For me, it was the final nail in the coffin and I finally realized that I had done too much for him that the only next possible step was to STOP and leave him alone. We had an almost day-long conversation and I told him everything that bothered me, word by word. He got furious, checked my phone repeatedly, and didn’t let me touch it all day. HE EVEN RAISED HIS HANDS ON ME, SHOVED ME WITH FULL FORCE, KICKED ME TWICE when I was unable to respond to his verbal abuse (told him that he’s not the person I would get married to so I wasn’t gonna be with him anymore. He asked me multiple times “আমাকে আর ভাল্লাগে না? অন্য কারো চো* খাইতে চাস?”) and later apologized, claiming it was just reflex (my life is funny but this guy is funnier). I was continuously sobbing but stayed calm throughout.
His begging, futile words, and crocodile tears didn’t stop. Exactly four days later, I met him accidentally at campus. He asked unnecessary questions and tried convincing me again. At one point I asked for his phone, he refused and clearly said he wouldn’t let me check his phone. THIS WAS IT. As I stood up to leave, he grabbed my hands, took my purse, and tried to force me to stay. He was doing all these absurd shit but not once did he hand me his phone to give me any reassurance. BECAUSE, this asshole was CHEATING on me. The whole time he was begging me to stay with him, he was flirting, making the same plans he made with me, and looking for physical intimacy and emotional support from someone else (screenshots attached). I somehow left and blocked him on everything except Snapchat (he had some of my stuff so I had to contact him sooner or later). What followed was a series of ultimate SHITSHOW:
- Reached out to mutual acquaintances in June-July, spreading made up lies and blaming me for things that didn’t happen and I didn’t do
- Came to my house in July, creating scene in front of my mom and claiming I left him without any reason/ explanation, I was unfair to him and he would never forgive me.
- Harassed me in public (August), including at local restaurants.
- Told my juniors that I ended the relationship because I was leaving for my master’s. (Brooo, I POSTPONED MY DREAM OF STUDYING ABROAD FOR MORE THAN A YEAR ONLY BECAUSE OF HIM. How could he even say that?!)
- He also told people that we just had a normal fight, I didn’t let him explain himself and cut him off abruptly.
Now, I see EVERYTHING as a LIE and can’t fathom why he put me through all these in the name of love. If you’ve read this far, THANK YOU again for taking the time out to know about my misfortune. Please, keep me in your prayers :’)